How to Love According to Scripture

Romans 14:8 

While we live, we must live for the Lord, and in death we must bring honor to His name. So dead or alive we belong to the Lord.


Mark 12:28-31

And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that He answered them well, asked Him, "Which commandment is the most important of all?" Jesus answered, "The most important is, 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these."

It's important to define love here. To love is to work for the benefit of someone other than yourself. That is love. Be mindful of what you say. Be truthful and loving with what you say. Sometimes love is angry and sometimes cunning. Love in your words must never cease even when love is pain.

James 3:3-6 

By putting a bit into the mouth of a horse, we can turn the horse in different directions. It takes strong winds to move a large sailing ship, but the captain uses only a small rudder to make it go in any direction. Our tongues are small too, and yet they brag about big things. It takes only a spark to start a forest fire! The tongue is like a spark. It is an evil that dirties the rest of the body and sets a person's entire life on fire with flames that come from hell itself.

Why do the voices that call for evil shout so loudly through your desires? Forced to look at pornography, or other people lustfully which we all know we should not. Forced to take what does not belong to you when you know you want to return it. You think it's you that wants these things? You think you are in control? Is the anger really yours? Is it your sex drive calling for what you don't want? Where do the foul and discouraging feelings come from? Am I good enough? Does God really want me to be the one to bring His light into the darkness? I am a failure.  This is the plan of the enemy. To use our past failures and natural doubt to stunt the future growth of our spirit and relationship with the Almighty. There is a voice in your head that can speak for what is right. Use it.

In Jude 1:9 Archangel Michael, when fighting the devil over Moses' body, did not offer his own taunting judgment against him. Michael simply said, "May the Lord's rebuke fall on you." 

In your head you can ask God to help you in Jesus name, ask God to rebuke the source of the temptations and the part of you that wants them. Learn to sacrifice the evil you love for the good you seek. The method Jesus used for rebuking temptation works for doubt as well, quote scripture which shines light at the spiritual darkness trying to overcome you, rendering it powerless. Find scripture that speaks to the temptation or doubt you feel and memorize it. It was written for you. 

We all need to protect ourselves in the spirit and be a strong pillar for our family and community. Protection from having your life destroyed and your family's life in ruin starts with prayer and meditation on God's word, and is hardened or made reality by sacrifice and understanding of God's Word and is spread to your family by your example. Pray for what you want and need. If your will aligns with God's will, it is sure to be. To reliably see God answer prayers In your life, consider each commandment as a sacrifice. You need to actively push back against wicked desires to keep within the commands of God. Doing this strengthens your ability to identify and rebuke/repel temptation allowing you to sacrifice the evil that could be for the good that will be. 

Sacrifice your life to bring the kingdom of heaven to the earth and watch as your hands help make your prayers a reality. Teach those around you to do what is right and to pray for what they need and to read God's love letter to humanity (the Bible). 

Jesus Himself said He will come again and so we await His second coming. According to what he said in the gospel, the signs for His return have come. We are now in the end times so if you have not done so already you need to proclaim Yeshua, who we know as Jesus, the son of Yahweh who we call the Father, He who is the I AM, as lord over your mind, body, and soul. Next repent, which is a military term also known as an about face or to turn 180 degrees away from sin.

Proclaim out loud, for there is power in a human voice calling to God “My God hear my prayer. You sent your son Jesus to die so that I may live, He resurrected from death which made a way for me to follow. With gratitude to the King of heaven and earth for His sacrifice, I give my life to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. I will do your will with my life, my God, from this point on until forever. Amen.”

 What our King Jesus says in the book of John in chapter 8 to the battered woman I believe applies to you at this moment “I don’t condemn you. Go, and sin no more”.

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