The Eighth Commandment

The Eighth Commandment

Exodus 20:15 

"You shall not steal"

The act of stealing includes more than just material possessions; it extends to ideas, futures, health, and various other aspects of life. However, beyond the material, stealing disrespects something even more vital: inner peace. This violation strikes at the core of a person's wellbeing, which is an assault on the heart of the person and an insult to God.

Sometimes people steal to feed themselves or their families. It is difficult to say that it's wrong but there are other ways to live. In many countries, there are social programs that are designed to help struggling people and families. Also, there are local churches that would be happy to help struggling folk. Ultimately we must work for what is ours as scripture says: 

Genesis 3:19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat food until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for dust you are, and to dust you shall return.

Almost all of the commandments can be understood as disapproving of different forms of theft. The first warns against taking the position of honor that belongs to God alone and granting it to something not worthy. The second diverts the love rightfully directed towards God onto other things. The third plunders God's name and reputation. The fourth pilfers individuals of the chance for essential rest and time spent with loved ones. The fifth robs the honor and respect due to elders, ultimately taking one's dignity. The sixth takes a life. The seventh carries off another's spouse. The ninth strips away truth and its transformative potential. The tenth serves as the foundation of all stealing.

This commentary is the basis to the children's poem book God's Law Revealed in Poems now available on Amazon. If you read and enjoy this book, please leave a review on Amazon to help others guide their children towards the light.
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