The Fifth Commandment

The Fifth Commandment

Exodus 20:12 

"Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land the LORD your God gives you.

You have a special link with your father and mother. You owe your being here to both them and to God. They hold a unique and important role in your life as your only parents. So, it is vital to honor them by showing them respect and carefully considering their words.

When you show honor and respect to your parents, you continue a tradition of having high value for your elders. As your children observe your example, they internalize the importance of treating elders with respect. This practice ensures that your later years are tolerable or even pleasant as you receive the respect and care you deserve. Having respect shown to you will make life less stressful which is good for your health and makes your life long in the land your God gives you as this commandment states.

This commandment is linked to the second commandment. This is one of the ways you take your portions from the blessings of God's everlasting love and kindness, which come with being taught by your father and mother what is right in God's eyes. Honor them by listening to them and respectfully obeying when they instruct you to do what is right.

Interestingly, this is the only command to honor anyone. It does not say love or obey your father and mother either. This is because some parents may treat their children cruelly or make demands that contradict the commandments. In such cases, it's better to decline and obey God's commandments while preserving your parents and family's honor by declining respectfully and explaining why you cannot. If you are experiencing an extreme case it may be best to get outside help such as counseling or perhaps involving the police, if necessary. 


This commentary is the basis to the children's poem book God's Law Revealed in Poems now available on Amazon. If you read and enjoy this book, please leave a review on Amazon to help others guide their children towards the light.

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